Friday, May 22, 2009

Jesus is Alive!

Oh my dearest friends! I can hardly speak for all the awe I have at how good our King Jesus is! I am doing well, quite sleepy with tired feet at the end of this week, but oh so full of joy!

In these last two days I have been ambushed by the joy of the Lord and I hunger for more and more and more! I am so hungry for Him! I want Him and I want whatever keeps me from fully receiving and fully giving Him to be stripped from me!!!

I have found the children in Masiphumele! Beautiful! Many trouble makers, stealing and hitting......surviving....but soo hungry and eager to learn about Jesus. All you have to do is keep waving and they will come right up to you. You put your arm around them and they put theirs around you. They love to be loved on and it's totally changing the atmosphere here. Yesterday I taught about 10 kids who had been just playing around and passing the time. I told them the whole God story and they sat for it all! Young ones too like 3 to 8 year olds! Then today we found some of them again as well as more. A young women, mother of 2, invited all the kids and us into her tiny shack as we told stories of Jesus and watched them ooh and ah (of course they did go back to hitting one another just after, but I am not discouraged! They will be changed and it will spread through all the land!)

Also, WE HAVE SEEN HEALINGS!!!!!!!! Through a very unique turn of events, we ended up in a man's house who had been lame in one leg for over ten years, We told the man we believed Jesus wanted to heal him. He said he also believed. So we laid our hands on him and prayed. Afterwads we asked if he felt any different. He said his foot felt warm. We knew this often means the Holy Spirit has touched, so we told him he should get up and try to walk, AND HE WALKED! Everyone in the house was amazed, including two nurses who were there! We didn't know they were nurses, we just thought they were friends. They were so amazed! We were all shouting with joy! Among the other small groups of 3's out and about there was a woman who's arms was healed, another who's ankle was healed. We also prayed for many who were coughing, sick, with AIDS, ect., belieiving they've all been healed in Jesus' name.

Okay so do please please keep praying! I have to hop off before this thing dies (we are at Kate's parents house tonight and using a laptop.) Pray for rest tomorrow, we are taking our day of rest tomorrow. Should be fun!!!!!

1 comment:

"The Barbers" said...

Wow, Amanda it sounds like God is blessing you. We are praying for you everyday. I hope you are getting some rest too!!