Monday, September 29, 2008

Goodbye Omaruru!

Hello again everybody! This is possibly my last blog in Namibia! We leave for Germany on Wednesday night, but are leaving the farm tomorrow morning and will be in Windhoek for a couple days. I am sad to go....

Today Bethany and Anja and I had really good conversation about our time at the Haven and different aspects of this country and all of that. Anja has a lot of good insights into the reality of things through God's eyes. It will surely take more time to process through my time here. I already see so much fruit that is coming of it and I know so many more seeds have been planted on top of that! And that is not just in the kids, but in me as well!

I am telling you, it is like a resort here! I wish I could stay longer. It's kind of like that sweet respite time after all the hard work is done. In the late afternoon I sat in the cool shade, soaking my feet and looking at a South African Home decorating magazine. Then Oma came out (Stephan's Grandma who has a bit of dimentia and is very spunky) and sat with me. I read to her from my favorite author-Corrie Ten Boom. I spent the whole evening holding the cutest little baby boy! Anja and Stephan call me Tante Amanda, and I like that! I am really going to miss this family! Oh, and tonight I saw the scorpian consellation for the first time. It is much bigger than I thought! We tried to see the Southern Cross, but Stephan couldn't find it. We even went up the tower-it is like a castle here! You've got to just see the pictures when I get home!

I will be home soon soon!! love to you all!

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