Sunday, August 10, 2008

I was just thinking

This little note is to Jenni again. I couldn't think last night of something I might need you to send, but now I have thought of it! The kids here do not watch a lot of tv since we've been here, but when they do it is this ridiculous and dirty Spanish soap opera (I don't know how the Spanish have the spotlight of having their soap opera be world wide! even in Ukraine!). So I was thinking if you could send a few dvd's. In particular I thought of 2: Hermie and Putchanelli (both were books written by Max Lucado) and then if their are any movies the little bit older ones would like but that are clean and with a good message so that the little ones could watch too. Can be Christian or not as long as it has a really good message. Maybe take the dvd's out of the package to save space. I don't think it'll get stolen that way. They mostly look for more expensive electronic type things. (so I've been told). Anyone can send the same as well! Thanks friends!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I will go look for something this week for sure. I've never heard of what you mentioned, but I assume if I go to that Christian book store in Overland Park I can just ask for it? I'll figure out a way to ship the dvds, i guess if I sent anything in a box, they would be more tempted to look through it, so I'm gonna try to get it all in an envelope. Lah lah lah, good to hear from you my love dove! As always, much love and kisses and hugs to you and all the little pumpkin seeds.......-Jenni