Wednesday, May 6, 2009

12 Day Count Down!

Hi friends!

It is happening again! The Lord is calling to me from all the way over in Africa, and I just cannot help but be all together excited! These next days are the ones filled with packing and repacking, last minute shopping, praying nothing's forgotten, seeing as many beautiful faces of friends as possible, hugging my family so so tight.......and start loosing out on sleep for all the energy building up in me(though I slept great last night so maybe I'll be just fine)!

I woke up this morning asking myself, are you ready? Yes, the bags are packed and their have been all these preperations, but are you really ready? Ready to travel light, unsure of what tomorrow will bring? Ready for adventures beyond imagination? Ready to experience being in the center of all that Christ intends to bring with His Kingdom's coming? He answered my questions this morning while my head still rested on my pillow. "I have good plans for you. I have the best intentions for you. You can trust me. Whether it is this or that, You can trust that I will do good toward you. I love you!"

I hope you will get to join me on my journey through this bloggy dealie again! I am not sure how often I will get to a computer or how much time I will have. But know that I want to keep you updated and have you praying for me as much as you think to!!!! So even if I got weeks without a note, please keep checking up on me just in case I get the chance to say hey!

Bless you! I love you!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

"He was bringing a nation to himself, stripping away all competition and finally conquering hearts until He was the object of desire among thousands and thousands of victims. The whole countryside was presenting itself for spiritual harvest. Everywhere we went, camp after camp, the people begged for things of God. We cant even remember what we lost, they cried! We just want the Word of God! God used his own methods, and He was getting His desire. He loves to be loved, and the Mozambican people were bowing at His feet. We were spoiled by such a God, by such a spirit, by such love and by the work He gave us to do"......