Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kapena wasana ny Jesus! (There’s no one like Jesus!)

“Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.” Psalm 104:1

We are back from our little road trip up to Etosha! Etosha is a place in Namibia that is the size of Switzerland. In the center is this HUGE salt pan. It is gorgeous! Surrounding the pan is vast lands dressed with twisty trees covered in dust and thorny bushes spotted with bright yellow fuzz ball flowers. (Tricia, it’s the kind of beauty you’ve inspired me to have an eye for!). The horizon seems endless. It give new intensity to God’s promise of as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our sin. I could not help wonder, just how big is this Creator of it all?

It was not just the land, but wildlife! Creatures were frolicking, bathing, eating....all around us! Oh how I wish I could show you pictures! A zebra and his thick mane less than 2 feet outside the window of our combi (van)! And it wasn’t a tour van, we were in our own car! The giraffes were sometimes so close I could see just how thick and long their eyelashes were. The only thing that frightened me just a bit from inside our van was the herd of elephants. So HUGE! We saw them bathe, and the babies lowered themselves down into the dust. But when they started shifting toward our car we decided we’d better scoot fast! There were also wildabeasts, kudu, waterbuck, springbuck, ostrich, other cool birds....

And the kids loved it! Ever animal spotted was a treasure! Of the 3, Grace is the best in English; Linus knows enough to get by, but Jefta hardly any. It was a little crazy at times to make sense of what was going on between them and when we’d stop to eat or rest the people knew right away we couldn’t understand half of what the kids said. I think they sorta laughed at the thought of 3 white girls and 3 little Africans-plus I think the kids have a little bit of potty mouth sometimes and I just can not quite detect it! One woman did ask me if Grace & Linus were my children –you know I loved the thought of it! The kids had such a good time that by afternoon the two younger ones climbed in back on top of our luggage and fell asleep! That was fine with me! I cherished the quiet drive for that little while. And as I looked out my open window at the expanse of it all, I thought I could easily spend the rest of my days on this earth in awe of the majesty of my Great God! Praise Him!

“My mediation of him shall be sweet; I will be glad in the LORD.” Psalm 104:34

p.s. Beth, I loved the picture you shared of Simeon’s first day of school, so sweet is our Lord!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you found your calling in life! You have the heart of a mother and you haven't even given birth -physically (no stretch marks and the like!) But God is birthing something in you and the more I hear from you, the more His mark is upon you! You are truly relishing in finding out your purpose on this earth, huh?! Go for it, Amanda! Go with all you've got and run and don't look back, throw off everything that may hinder you and run for the prize! I know God is so proud of His daughter!

MaryBeth said...

That place sounds amazing! I agree with Beth, you have found your calling. I hear nothing but happiness from you, I am SO happy for you! We miss you tons but the blog makes you seem not as far away. We are thinking of you here in "the states"!

grk said...

wow, amanda! Etosha sounds amazing. what an experience - all of it so far. you sounds like you are totally in your element with these children. i love it! i love you, girl, and i miss our little impromptu dinners and chats. i can't wait to get together when you return. i don't think you'll recognize Pela :) she very well could be walking by then! anyway, continue to treasure every moment you have in Namibia! lots of love and prayers,