Monday, September 29, 2008
Goodbye Omaruru!
Today Bethany and Anja and I had really good conversation about our time at the Haven and different aspects of this country and all of that. Anja has a lot of good insights into the reality of things through God's eyes. It will surely take more time to process through my time here. I already see so much fruit that is coming of it and I know so many more seeds have been planted on top of that! And that is not just in the kids, but in me as well!
I am telling you, it is like a resort here! I wish I could stay longer. It's kind of like that sweet respite time after all the hard work is done. In the late afternoon I sat in the cool shade, soaking my feet and looking at a South African Home decorating magazine. Then Oma came out (Stephan's Grandma who has a bit of dimentia and is very spunky) and sat with me. I read to her from my favorite author-Corrie Ten Boom. I spent the whole evening holding the cutest little baby boy! Anja and Stephan call me Tante Amanda, and I like that! I am really going to miss this family! Oh, and tonight I saw the scorpian consellation for the first time. It is much bigger than I thought! We tried to see the Southern Cross, but Stephan couldn't find it. We even went up the tower-it is like a castle here! You've got to just see the pictures when I get home!
I will be home soon soon!! love to you all!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Doopie doopie
It has been a nice weekend at the farm, I feel like I am in an oasis here with the palm trees hovering over perfectly green grass. I love the sound of the wind blowing! I have been in sort of a haze or "in my own world," but I am sure it is just because I am processing through everything from my trip.
Today we will be doing some formal debriefing with Anja. Please pray that we would be touched by the Lord and that He'd really speak to us about the kids and about ourselves and all that goes into that. I am not even sure myself really!
Finn-Luka is soo cute! That's Anja's baby boy. I just met him yesterday. Adorable! Can't get enough of him!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Farewell Darlings!
Today Grace stopped wearing her beanie! She had the same fungus problem as all the other kids and had lost some hair so she always wore a hat. I know it was God who healed them. It was so out of control! I had given them medicine but it ran out before it could have taken total effect. So when she took off her beanie and I saw her hair had grown in I thought, "wow! Je es moi!" (You are beautiful!). And from there she kept her hat off! Yay!
When it was time to say goodbye, dear Alexia was so so sweet! She says, "oh Amanda! I will miss you! Thank you for all you have done for us." That's when the tears came; I try so hard not to! Some of the kids just laugh at me for doing so. I think they have taught themselves to stay a bit more detached so as not to have to feel that kind of pain again that they've felt before. I will miss these kids! I really cannot think straight at the moment so I don't have any big thoughts to give. And we are at the farm before heading north. I am thankful because little Katy is here and we are making cupcakes, rather I am making them and have no idea what I am doing in this altitude and converting ferenheit to celsius. Oy!
Thank you for your prayers to keep our spirits high! love, amanda
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Last Night....
My oh my! Tonight is the last night to sleep at the Haven for Bethany and me-we will then be headed a little ways north for some debriefing time with Anja and her family. All day as I went about packing and planning for our goodbye time tonight, I could tell the tears were just under surface. I wonder about tomorrow!
Today Mandy and I locked the dining room doors and decorated for a special evening. So that meant for lunch and dinner we all ate outside, which was actually really fun! Anything out of the everyday is a real sweet treat for the kids and for us!
For tonight we had a sweet time. We had our very last Bible Study tonight in which we washed all the children’s feet, telling them that Jesus had done this before leaving his friends and that he wanted to show them how to love one another. We then talked about how he gave His Holy Spirit to live in each of us so that we are able to do so. Afterwards we let all the kids come into the dining hall where each had a plate of popcorn, apple and some sweets. Candles were lit in little glasses of colored water. We watched video that we had recorded and a picture slide show. It was a good time. Hard to say goodnight though!
It is hard to think of leaving these kids. It is hard to know that I am another person walking out of their life! Today I had a really sad conversation with little Miss Desiree. Sometimes she will get so stiff and quiet. Today I sat with her during one of those times. The conversation was definitely led by the Holy Spirit because how was I to know what she was thinking. I knew she was probably sad that we were leaving, and she was. I knew it was for her like when she lost her mother. I began to talk to her about how I had lived without my mother too and how God really became my very best friend. I told her all the ways he has been my everything. Then we got on the subject of heaven. She said she doesn’t want to go there. I told her the other alternative is hell and described just a little of it is awfulness. She understood, but still wanted to go there. Suddenly I knew why. I asked her if it is because she thinks her mom is there. She nodded yes. What was I to say? I asked her why she thought her mother was in hell. I asked her if she thought her mom didn’t know Jesus. She nodded that this was the reason. I told her that is something between a person and God, that no one else can know for sure. I told Desiree that she doesn’t know for sure that her mom is in hell and how sad would she be if she went there and it turned out her mom was in Heaven. I told her that even if her mom was in hell she would tell Desiree to go to Heaven. She is mad at God because she thinks God let her mother die. I reminded her of Adam and Eve and about how this world can be so awful, but that isn’t what God wants. He is only good. She didn’t want me to pray for her. But I told her for as long as I am alive I will be praying for her. Even if I never see her again I will be praying for her. I told her that her choice to not love God does not stop God from loving her. Please pray. It is a spiritual battle. I have seen her hateful and I have seen her on the flipside soaking up every word of God with joy sweeping across her countenance. She needs Jesus!!!!
I love you guys!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday Night's Lesson
“we have been made perfect through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once and for all.” Hebrews 10:10
These kids are so funny and such tough little things! For our lesson on Jesus’ death, I had made some cookies for the kids. The first batch I made really salty. When I gave it to the kids I would tell them that even though I followed the recipe exactly right, if I messed up even one of the smallest instructions, the outcome is awful. It is the same with our sins. If we obey everything just as we should, but we do even one wrong thing, we are altogether wrong. And this is why we need a Savior. The funny thing was that there were only a few kids who made a face that showed their distaste for the cookies. Most just ate them right up, they didn’t even seem to mind the salt, just glad for a cookie!!! But I think they got the idea anyhow, because they knew the cookie was not intended to be salty.
It was so neat though, before getting into the lesson I asked review questions that I thought would be hard for them to answer because we have gone through the entire God Story and it’s hard to know if the kids really remember those first lessons. BUT THEY DO!!! It was amazing! They remembered what Adam and Eve had done wrong and how that ruined their friendship with God. They remembered the pattern that was happening over and over where God said obey and the people did not. They understood very well that the people were to put a hand on the perfect lamb to place all the sins from the person to the lamb. And even the small ones answered correctly that Jesus is our Lamb.
It is one thing to understand and another to believe and want to make Jesus your Lord. We told the kids that if they wanted to make Jesus their Lord and believe he washes their sins that they could ask Bethany and I and we’d help them with that prayer. We really have to trust God that the translating was done by the Holy Spirit himself and that they understand what it means.
Here are the names of those who came to us: Immanuel, Alexia, Cherly, Desiree, Mamiki, Maria, Uno, Jefta, and Grace. Praises to Jesus for the lives that are turned toward their Heavenly Papa!
Cherly came to me and very urgently said, “you must give me a Bible. I can read it on my bed.”
Tonight Bethany and Mandy (housemother that I’ve written about) had a really good conversation about forgiveness and anger. I was then able to tell Mandy what I’ve wanted to tell her about how God says that He is slow to anger and quick to love and that if Mandy will begin to ask God to make her that way also, he will do it and she will see over time how he changes her.” I saw in her face that for a moment she wanted to respond even in anger, but then she smiled and said “okay.” Her tone softened she said, “I know you and Bethany are always reading the Bible and you know the right things to do. When you go, you must leave me a Bible also.”
I am very aware of how unaware I am as to all of the workings of the Holy Spirit through us! I think many seeds will begin to grow once we’ve left! You can be sure that I cannot help but rejoice!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!
Hello my sweet friends and family! I hope this finds you each in peace. It’s the beginning of our last week at the Haven! Every day I am more and more excited to share Jesus’ words with these kids! He is constantly telling me about his love for each one! Sometimes I will watch one child and just wish I could take him home with me!
Some exciting things to share:
Jefta has read his first words! We finally figured out his best learning style. Writing in the sand with a stick! You can imagine how often I think about the time Jesus was knelt down in the street doing the same!
Maria: on the way to church I asked her if she knew why she was going to be baptised next week (all children get baptised here, even when they have no idea about it). So she said, ”No.” I asked her if she believes that Jesus Christ is her Lord and has saved forgiven her all her sins. And asked if she chooses to serve Him as God. To each of these her reply was a bold “Yes!” Please pray for Maria. She wants to follow God and yet, as any wild child, is still learning the basics of obedience and kindness....the fruits of the Spirit!
Desiree: She was one who had been so cold to me and angry during last Friday’s episode. Now she is one of my most pensive ones during Bible study. She is sad because her mother is dead and father is not around. She really wants to be with her grandmother, but unfortunately her grandmother does not want to keep her other than for a few days a couple times in the year. She has been soo sad and I think it has a lot to do with her being sick all the time... but praise God! He is really showing this girl that He loves her and wants to be everything to her!
Alexia: Today we learned about prayer. We wrote prayers and each one had their own box to place them in. Alexia writes: Jesus, please pray for me. I want that you will forgive me all my sins. I want that you will help me so that I will pray everyday. God, please help me to become a nurse and to get a job.
On Friday we taught the kids about Jesus healing the man who had been lowered into the center of the house on a mat, carried by his friends. The mat represented what this man and his friends were trusting God for. Each child was sitting on a mat and was asked to think about what they were trusting God for. I didn’t expect them to all share! One by one they raised their hands saying things like, “I want God to wash all my sins.” “I want to trust God.” “I want God to help me to not fight.” “I want God to help me not be sad.”
Please pray for Mandy, she has been especially angry and short tempered lately. On Sunday she went forward for prayer at church and I prayed for her, but she hasn’t spoken about it yet.
Please pray for our lesson tomorrow. It is when we will be sharing about the death of Christ and all that it means. There will also be a house meeting involving all housemothers and volunteers. I do not want to be nervous about it or fearful. Please pray for peace and unity. Please pray for a calm spirit for Mandy.
I love these kids so much! I want good things for them! I want them to know and experience the Triune God as I have, and more than I have! Every part of Him is altogether enough! The Holy Spirit has His work cut out for him! He’s is able!
Hebrews 10:10 “we have been made perfect through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ once and for all.”
Friday, September 19, 2008
Happy Birthday, Beautiful Children of God!
Oh friends! This has been a great day of blessing from beginning to end! Today we had a celebration of all the kids Birthday’s. We walked with the kids to the dry river bed and played all day! We had bags of different surprises that we revealed once we arrived. It was a very relaxed time. I think the kids loved being in the open spaces outside the Haven walls. They were content to just play around in the sand, building houses with bamboo sticks and playing make-believe games about running hotels and such. We also played soccer and frisbee, had bubble blowing....and the craziest water fight! For lunch we had packed a picnic and cooked game meat sausages over the fire. It was quite tasty. We came home and rested for the afternoon.....
After dinner we locked the kids out of the eating area and closed all the windows as we prepared a special surprise Birthday celebration. They all knew it was their Birthday and knew something was coming that would be soo fun, but they were all so delighted to find the darkened room with candles lit and all the usual Birthday layout. The kids all felt so loved, you could see it all over their faces and in their words too. Justine sweetly thanked us with more words than I’ve ever heard from her. Grace kept telling us how she loves us so much. Desire gave hugs. All the kids were saying cheers with their kool-aid drinks-so cute!
At the end of it all I laid down on the brick in the courtyard and looked up at the mass of stars overhead. Linus came and laid on me looking up with excitement, knowing how I love the stars! It’s so easy to recognize the Lord in such a setting. When I look up at all these stars, heaven is so much nearer than ever. I am aware of my smallness, also how mighty must my Lord and King be! I wanted that moment to last forever, and I never want to forget it! One by one, others joined us until we were all in such a crazy pile that no one could actually see the stars any longer! That was memorable in it’s own way of course!
My time is ending quickly here, and I am sad to think of it! But it does mean I will be with you all that soon as well, and for that I am glad! I love you!
Jesus Blood Never Fails Me
“Do not sorrow for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
After this week, what do I know of my Lord? What hunger have I found that only He can satisfy? I have found that He will not rest; he will not let me go. His shadow is my cooling shade. He keeps my soul safe from beginning to end (Psalm 121). These are just a few truths that regenerate me from day to day. All week my joy has mounted and grown.
Honestly, it is not without some faltering. At times sudden fear smacks my cheek, my heart will momentarily forget the hope that is in the Lord-a lapse in my own mind that forgets that nothing the Lord sends out ever returns in vain. I have thought I could not take another step, let alone stand for another second (I have literally been brought to my knees!).
But I am telling you now, JESUS’ BLOOD NEVER FAILS ME! I may have a thick American skull that seldom remembers (after such a puff from the enemy) the spiritual war that is happening all around me, but He is faithful to bring all things to remembrance. He always lifts me up, maybe a bit like the way the angels came and comforted Jesus in the wilderness after he was tempted. How he does it is in sweetest of sweet ways! He is in the coolness of the quiet early morning just before the stars fade, and in the red hazy line meeting the blue sky as the sun makes its way up. It’s in the children singing with me as we walk to school or wash dishes. He’s the song I again find on my lips as I shower, or dance in my room (yes, still dancing!). It’s the wide eyes looking back at me during Bible study when I tell Alexia there’s a bigger picture than the pain she feels in her wounded foot right now, or that the Lord sees Maria’s heart and knows Gustav’s thoughts. He is in the hug from Grace as I hold her in my arms and she says to me, “I like Jesus.” It is the hush of evil words when children are reminded that peaceful and kind words are what store up treasures in heaven. It is the simple silent knowing that Jesus is My Beloved and is much more so than we really know. His are the arms that hold me through the night, His are the eyes wide awake watching over each of us.
Please know my prayers are with you as well! “May the God of all grace, who called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you.” 1 Peter 5:10
I love love love each and every one of you!
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength!
“We want to see Jesus lifted high, a banner that flies across this land; that all men might see the truth and know that He is the way to heaven. Step by step we’re moving forward, little by little we’re taking ground; every prayer a powerful weapon -strongholds come tumbling down and down and down!”
Jesus has given me clear instruction to bless those who curse me. It is what I have agreed to do with Mandy. It isn’t easy, but it is what crumbles the enemy to bits! I love this woman! It is the lies of the enemy that sometimes control her that I hate. I am telling you, this woman who waved a pointed finger in my face is the very one who said to me this afternoon, “I want that all children should be at the Bible Study. It is a part of them.”
We have done some compromising, with dinner now just 30 minutes earlier, we have our study in the evening and it actually works out really well because there is one child who always missed out because his schooling is in the afternoon, as well as some of the older children who have an after school program during the previous time. Praise God that He has shown Himself true in working out all things for the good of His people!
Tonight in our study we celebrated the birth of Christ. Bethany dressed up as Mary and held a baby doll while we held candles and sang Christmas carols. Then we talked about the gift of Christ....oh it was so amazing! Thank you all for standing with us over the weekend! We are totally grateful for all the prayers!
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light...” Isaiah 9:2
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Is it more than you wanted to hear?
So, yes, in our worship songs for example if we'd sing "Oh how I love Jesus...." this girl would sing "Oh how I love satan." Her name is Regina, she has also been walking around with a glaring eye and turning her chin up and head away from us. I will be so glad for your prayers for her!
As for the housemothers, all have been mad because they want to speak to Hatwig about all these problems they claim to have-problems which are based on the human condition of wanting more for the self even though they are treated better than any common worker here-better hours, better pay, better food, ect. Hatwig is Anja's father-in-law and is only the treasurer of the place. Mandy is always complaining that she wants only to speak to him in the same breath that she says she doesn't want a white person helping her because they will all not understand (Hatwig is a white man also.) There is much racist thinking involved at this point.
Two housemothers, Otilie and Gerda, may get upset about Hatwig not coming, but there way of dealing with it is to back off quietly and talk about it among each other. Mandy is always saying she has no problems, if she did she would come out and say so. But I knew it wasn't always true because here and there she will sometimes say things such as, "this place isn't blessed" or "God isn't really here" and "I was better off living in the horse stables."
On this particular morning I entered the kitchen, asking if the children had been given their daily vitamins. They hadn't and Mandy could not find them. She said, "someone has taken them." It was a new bottle of 90 tablets. I asked the children, did someone take them. Mandy then found them and said I had accused her of stealing. This is when explosions of the mouth came from her. I know Mandy just well enough to know she has a temper. Many times she is not soo angry, but will have this front in which I know not to speak to her in that moment and then she will come to me and apologize and we can talk reasonably. Anyhow I did try a couple times to reason with her, but she would not give and inch for a word. Just waving her finger and yelling such things as "you two are little children. I am older (she is 32) and you are under me (which we aren't), and you have done nothing while you are here." "Useless volunteers." I knew all of these to be untrue and they really didn't get at me. I chose to walk away, but Bethany remained. She was also furious that we hadn't given her a warm good morning greeting that day. That point was highlighted to no end! Anyhow she continue to cut Bethany down and then went on with more racist remarks such as that we are the whites and she is just the shadow, then all the kids started in this riot coming after Bethany yelling that they are black and she is white. So we had to lock them out of our hall...which is when we began praying.
Is it more than you wanted to read? Well lastnight I at first couldn't fall asleep. When I did I had an awful nightmare about the Haven. So awful that when I woke I asked Bethany to come sleep in my bed beside me and when I told her about the dream she began to cry. We then prayed the blood of Jesus over every heart, mind and soul in the Haven and over us and that the protective arms of our Abba would be in place tonight. We slept in peace after that. Bethany and I must stand strong and together. It is vital! Please continue to pray.
Dad, thanks for your prayers and for Psalm 10-that is a good one, verse 12 especially!
Tricia, I loved the laughs you gave me!
Grace, all your extra prayers are a blessing!
Beth, I haven't heard from you, but I have no doubt that you and Jenni join in prayer for me!
Momma! Don't be worried okay? We serve the victor! He is the almighty! Read Psalm 91 and you will not have to be afraid for me. Just pray. I love the prayers of my mom!
I love you all dearly!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus!
You are probably so curious about Friday ( I just realised that when I post it posts on your time, but I am 8 hours ahead of those of you in Missouri). I am not sure even how to lay it out in any sort of short and put together way. Bethany and I woke early and went out to the children as they ate and prepared for school. 2 housemothers were in the kitchen, and one totally exploded on us. We knew right away that it was a spiritual attack because the Lord has been so intense and so busy at work; deep workings too, not just simple little things. The attack seemed directly on Bethany and I, but really it was toward Jesus and not us. Things are still uneasy at the Haven. The housemother is angry and has attempted to turn the kids against us as well.
Bethany and I spent 3 hours in prayer and worship Friday morning, until we had to come out because the police had been phoned! Of course we had done no wrong and there were no charges to be made. Then after that we got a few of the kids who would sit with us to sing praises with us. There was one girl who sang the song but put satan in place of Jesus! But we just kept proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ, and this is his place, holy ground. We still went on with our Bible study, but instead of what had been planned, we taught the kids from the psalms. Only 2 kids sat with us, and even they were hardly attentive. By nightfall I had the worst headache and felt so naucious! I went to bed at 7:30 FEELING that I had failed, but KNOWING that Christ is the victor and has had his victory Friday and today and tomorrow. I will keep you updated. We are standing ground. Even if all we can do is stand, it is what we will do. There is much much more going on in the unseen relms than I know. I am glad too that God keeps that part somewhat hidden, I don't know if I could handle it! I am glad he handles it all! I love you all and by the grace of God I can stand to say "It is well with my soul, it is well."
And Pastor Sam, if you get this, I am thinking of you as I bolt out in the song "I have decided to follow turning back, no turning back!"
Thursday, September 11, 2008
This is A Message for Prayer Warriors!
spirit of deception is to leave, no return!
peace is to reign in this place!
silence the tounges of evil.
The enemey has no place here!
Pray against the enemy who wants to use the house parents to turn the kids against us(but really against Jesus Christ).
Pray that the Bible Study will continue, it barely went on today with only 2 or 3 children and even they were not fully attentive.
Peace between housemothers and B and I.
Pray the psalms. Pray salvation for mothers. Pray salvation for children.
This is what B and I will be doing and if you will join us it is with thankful hearts that we rejoice with you!
It is really hard here today. I have said that before, but please know that I am really serious in it this time.
The Lord Jesus Christ is Victor! I love you all!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
These are the days....
Today is Bethany's Birthday and has been filled with lots of little hidden treasure suprises. I am so glad. I love it when friends have good Birthdays! One of the little guys at the Haven turned 6 today as well. We made him a cake out of all the rice crispie treat packs DeAnna sent me with! I don't think they've ever had that sort of treat before, very fun!
The Bible study was great yesterday. We talked about Babble and then talked about how the blood of Christ has covered so that now all who believed are one in Him! The older children who can read took turns reading from Genesis. It was so great! Then we sang nice songs together that they taught to Bethany and I.
Ohp! It's dinner time. Gotta run! love you all!
One prayer to ask: just that I'd remember always that this thing I am doing here with the Lord is as simple as friendship. Sometimes it's so busy, but to remember that it doesn't matter how much gets done at the end of the day. He doesn't really need that I do anything because he can really do it all himself! Thanks!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Just a Quick One
But anyway, they boast of donations they and other Germans have given and demand that studies go first, not a bible study. I am afraid that Anja's step-father will give in because he doesn't want to lose their donations. But no! He mustn't! And I don't think he will but still I get nervous. Again it always comes back to the love God has for these kids and He wants them to know it! And understand it and believe it!
Anyway, I just wanted to tell Jenni W. something: I resent the email. Maybe check your junk box because it is the right adress and it even gets put into my sent items box after I send it. So I donno! And thanks!!!!! I got the box! The card for me was a treasure! The balls will be great! And so far the dvd's are being stinkers because they say US is region 1 and South Africa is region 2 and won't play. But I am going to try on one of the ancient lab tops that were donated from the us and see. I really want to see the dvd's!
Okay I love you all! peace, amanda
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My Strength is in the Lord!
1 Peter 2:23 says that Jesus left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly.
Here I am again! What a weekend it has been! I am worn out! Bethany and I retreated this afternoon to the little restaurant near town where we could leave our cares behind. I can see why it was so important for Jesus to go outside the walls to pray.
I’ve been looking at these kids with a heart of adoration. How precious to catch sight of Grace all on her own, “playing house” with a baby doll when no one was watching. To see how eager Alexander, Gustav, Immanuel, (and even Absolom-though he’d never admit it) were to be the chosen few to collect sand at the dry river bed for the green house. And to see little Jamo and other younger ones carry their small loads of sand that were heavy in their arms as they filled little bags row by row. I watch Immanuel who is always helping the younger ones to get their clothes on or to do their craft, and I wonder that his grandmother beats him and think how she has no idea what a good boy she is missing out on! Last night I saw tough boy Jefta as the little boy that he’s never been able to be. We took him to the hospital and his forehead was wrinkled as he looked up, wide-eyed at the nurse, and each time I’d smile at him or tell him a joke he’d smile bashfully and ease up. I still have 3 weeks with them, but already the thought has crossed my mind, how will I leave them? I wonder how often this thought was in front of Jesus all of his short days spent with his friends on earth.
At the same time, it is not easy to be here with my additional role as manager. I never thought before now of an orphanage having a manager. It is a BIG job! Really, I am so glad to have all this experience and it does not have me rethinking the dream God placed in me by any means. Sometimes the problems just seem too big. For example, today the housemothers let out all their problems with the Haven, and how it’s run, onto me. They said they’ve been angry with me even though they know I am only doing what Anja has instructed. Those who know me know that I wanted to cry in this moment, but the Lord is my strength, whom shall I fear? He held me up. And when the meeting was over, Grace saw right inside me, as kids are soo good at. She said, “Amanda. Kiss me,” in an urgent voice. She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. I am telling you, the kisses of children are one of the biggest blessings a girl could ask for! It makes the job worth it! Again I think of Jesus during his time on earth. No wonder he was so set on allowing the little ones to come to him. Everyone else took, took, took, and here the little darlings sat in his lap. Maybe hugged and kissed him or played with his beard or the tie on his robe. I donno. But their presence is my sure reminder that no problem is too big for God because he loves them even more than I do!
And my dear brothers and sisters, I hesitate to write you my prayer requests. I feel the burden and the Holy Spirit constantly reminds me that the heavy one is his, mine is only the light one. But I am so grateful every time you pray. It truly makes a difference. This past week has been full of upheaval and changes and sometimes so stressful. Bethany put to words my exact thoughts (we’ve been finding ourselves doing that alot lately-fun!), she said it’s like tilling the ground for the planting. So I write you more that you might pray and give you also shared answers to prayer and reasons to praise God!
The meeting with the Germans, Rose and Margo, was well received.
Progress continues with the Green House.
The older girls wanted to worship Jesus in song so they asked B and I to form a group and we named it Sarah’s Daughters. It was so fun and we sang in front of the congregation at church this morning. I was able to teach the girls from 1 Peter 3 about what makes a woman beautiful and what lasting beauty is. It is neat to watch the instant worth restored when Jesus is the source!
The kids love Bible reading time!
There is almost always at least one child among us who is singing a song of praise to God!
For Unity and Peace at the Haven, concerning housemothers as well as fighting among children.
Rose and Margo really need Jesus!
Jefta. He has been having all these strange illnesses like sores on his head and face, voice lost and chest pain. We ran into a woman last week who knew Jefta and knew he had been on anti-HIV medications. In other words, Jefta has AIDS! We will know for sure sure tomorrow when he is tested. This breaks my heart!
Also, many kids at the Haven are breaking out in these fungus-like sores all over their heads. It’s like an epidemic among us! Please pray that God would heal them and give me wisdom on how to get it under control. We go through one tube of medicine in two days and it is expensive.
Desiree is sick again! I think she has asthma, but the doctors say allergies and a cold!
Aussie from the green house promised us seeds, and that he’d come give us another lesson on getting started as well as fix a broken tube. He hasn’t come yet! Pray he comes!
ABOVE ALL PRAY FOR SALVATION FOR ALL CHILDREN. That we’d lay out the gospel crystal clear and that God would give them understanding. The Holy Spirit will do the best translating of all!
“I will not leave you orphans-I will come to you.” –Jesus John 14:15
p.s. Feel free to write me longer notes. I just cut and paste and read it when I am off line. If anyone can tell me some funny things, that’d be great. I love to laugh and haven’t had enough of it in my life! (MaryBeth, Jenni Witte, Yvonne, and Tricia-you are the ones who do it best! But any others I’d love to hear from)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
He is Sure a Workin'!
The day is yours, and yours also the night... Psalm 74:16
He is before all things, and in Him all thing’s hold together. Colossians 1:17
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, There is so much to praise God for at every moment. Bethany and I have seen God answer prayers instantly as they are brought before God. It was another difficult day and at the same time each day is so exciting to witness that part of God’s heart that loves orphans. He is kind to his children, ferocious to his enemy. He is gentle in his working, while working deep and intense.
I am wondering if you ever get tired of hearing me say, “please pray.” It is just so amazing to know that God comes in power when we call on his name.
Here are reasons I am praising God:
~The kids are responding with great interest to the Bible Study. I love to heart them “ooh” and go “woah” to learn these new things about God.
~Jefta(11 yrs.old) has learned nearly every letter and sound of the alphabet by name and I am sure will be reading before we know it!
~Anja has a baby boy as of today!
~More progress has been made on the green house! By next week we should be planting!
Here are some ways to pray:
~PLEASE pray for the unity between Bethany and I and the housemothers with the new volunteers. These two women have come with an agenda. And it has already started to get messy! They have made lists of all things done “wrong” and want to change it all immediately! I don’t know how many of you have gone to other countries, but I always thought it was common sense to be culturally sensitive. Yikes! The house mothers seem to be really close to being, if not already, offended. It makes my roles as manager strained as well. Please pray for us, tomorrow we will have a meeting about it.
~Absalom (17yrs) has gotten in trouble with the police for street fighting. We aren’t sure if he will be able to continue living at the Haven. He is making a lot of wrong choices. Both of the older boys are getting into a lot of trouble.
~Regina has been a bit difficult. She likes to test me and the others. I do not give into it and she learned that about me right away, but she has become very creative in her ways of doing so. At times she is very playful and sweet, but in the same moment also causing trouble and hurting the other children whether with words of physically.
~Please keep praying for the green house stuff. It would be a great feat to have everything planted by the end of next week! It’s the goal!
Thank you all! Knowing your prayers hold me up with such love encourages me daily!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I know You're All Praying!
Hello loves! I know you are all praying and I am quite a grateful girl for it! Things are pretty tough here this first week so please be in additional prayer if you can! I cannot say things are going badly, no they are going really well. God is doing major workings in the children, but it's not easy work. He is the Good Father who is set on seeing to it that they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The enemy doesn't like it, but neither does their own flesh (and mine too, man is this ever a big teaching stick from the Lord!). When we prayed the other night about our return, Anja had said that she saw what was about to happen at the Haven as parallel to the green house-I see it too! It's like this hot house where all this stuff is going on deep down inside and after much hard work, great fruits and vegis are sure to sprout forth!
So here's some ideas in prayer:
-The Bible studies are back in session and it's been fun b/c we have the older kids TRANSLATING. I pray through the whole way too because I know it can be difficult when it's new material, new concepts and words to translate. But we know the Holy Spirit will translate as well!
-For my PATIENCE. You might have thought me to be a patient person, but this takes it to a whole new level. Please pray for patience in disciplining the kids, that I would persevere when it seems worthless. They really do respond if it's just seen all the way through.
Linus- To learn self-control. He is stubborn. I know you'd like me to say "strong-willed," and that too, but he really fights the fight! He is precious and a darling, but when he gets himself into trouble there is lots of it!
Imwe-He is very sensitive and at the moment he only knows to handle his problems by hitting the other and then crying uncontrollably at the hit he most usually receives in return. This is one where I need lots of insight. To know when he's trully hurt and when he is using a tool to get out of trouble.
Of the older, Jefta and Justine struggle to keep their tempers level with both words and actions.
They are both sensitive and respond well, but I would like to see them in control of their actions. Lastnight Justine said to me over and over," I cannot take a sorry. I will not take a sorry. They are treating me like a dog, kicking my foot because it is hurt." I told her it was wrong that the children kicked her and I was sorry it had happened. Then I was also able to tell her about all the torture Jesus went through and how he never fought back. And then I reminded her that when we do wrong to the Lord, He always takes our sorries. What if he didn't? Where would we be?
-Please pray for WISDOM. That we'd know how to respond to each child and each situation.
-Please pray for PERSEVERANCE. I went to bed worn out and I woke worn out. Not physically, but in my heart to think of the day that spins ahead. I know it's going to calm down after the week is through.
-Please pray for THE NEW VOLUNTEERS. They are adjusting quite well and lovely to have around. They will be here until end of November! Please pray as the first weeks and be a time of testing between new comers and the kids.
-Please pray for GIDEON (house father). Please pray that Gideon would commit himself to God and to the Haven. He gets payed to be here if he'll just come, but he does all these other jobs ahead of this one. Not only is the Green House suffering because of it, but when he is here he is in a place where his walk with God grows. I see it all the time. He watches what I do with the kids and learns from it. He is not ashamed to sit during story time and soak up these great truths about God, and when I am disciplining a child watches what I do and does just the same. He wants to follow God, but has never had the descipleship to do so. He has a teachable heart and it is precious in the sight of God.
OkeyDokey here goes a new day! I love you and miss you all!
p.s. Jenni, did you get the email I sent to your other email address? And did you send the package air or ground mail? I think ground might take ages. Bethany already got a package that was sent to her after you sent mine. I will check again today though.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Lord! You've Given more than I knew you would!

having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever.” 1 Peter 1:23
My sweet sweet family-friends, I love you all so very much! Thank you for thinking of me and for sending all the loving Birthday greetings!
Now about that latest adventure: Bethany drove us through the desert on Friday, all the way to the sea! We spent the afternoon with Anja and some of her fam, walking around this little German town in Africa. So cute! We stopped in at a cozy little shop and enjoyed hot cocoas with whipped cream to warm us from the wet breeze of the Atlantic. Then, just before going to Walvis Bay for sushi and calamari steak, we caught sight of the sunset on the sea! Amazing right? And that was not even my Birthday yet! But you know....I consider it to have been my Birthday weekend. Because who wants a Birthday to just last a day?!
Now, Let me just tell you how good a King I live for! Let me just tell you how over the top the gifts of the Father of Lights really are! He is the loving Husband who woke me on Saturday morning to tell me he was soo excited for this new day with me! He is the Lover of my soul who warmed my heart while I lay in the little bed of my tiny little (and oh so frigidly cold) bungalow by the sea.
First, I opened my one treasured gift from my dear friend Lauren. LAUREN! I enjoyed a hot rooibos in the glass tea holder from China-you are my thoughtful friend whom I love immensely. Thank you! Second, Bethany and I found a little bakery to shut out the chill of the misty morning before heading to breakfast in a little oasis in the desert. Anja had another baby shower there and we enjoyed green grass and palm trees surrounding the dessert.



After we finished, Anja’s sis-in-law, Esther, took Bethany and I on a private airplane ride to Cape Cross! We ate lunch, drank coffees and appletizers, and walked along the beach collecting seashells. The view from the plane was astounding!- Never ending sea to one side and never ending sand dunes to the other. It was so easy from way up there to imagine the God who formed believe that He had thought of me before all of the earth to shape. I looked down to see where the waves met the earth, and houses were not so far inland. And I recognized the power of God who says to the waves, “this far. You may come this far, and no further.” In the silence of His majesty He speaks to me in His way...
We got back to Swakopmund by evening and picked up a tasty tasty pizza and went to Anja’s families holiday flat and watched old Audrey Hepburn movies. Just then I had that small hidden ache of homesickness, missing all of you! But I was cheered up when Anja’s young sister in law brought me her teddy bear and a piece of chocolate for the Birthday girl. And Anja’s mom made homemade chocolate sauce that we ate poured over vanilla ice cream (that tasted like marshmallows). It was so nice being together in that little room and feeling a bit of normalcy as I know it. You know?
Sunday was brilliant as well. We visited a little church full of life and love. Did a little bit of shopping and then found the mighty sand dunes. Boy was it sandy! Really, the wind was blowing that sand everywhere! But it was sure fun to run up and down those things! Where else does desert meet ocean? When we went back to the flat we had a really sweet time of prayer for our next month and for the kids and house parents. So that was our trip as told from the shell of a nut by the sea.
It feels like coming home to come back to the Haven. The kids are all back, except for two(please pray for their safe arrival.) Two ladies in their late 60’s arrived from Germany today. They are so full of life and really great from what I can tell so far. I think they are just what I hoped for. Already so full of wisdom. Rosie said to me: So you’re 25 and no husband. When you get back you need to find a good working man. Not just a good looking man, but a working one. Looks fade, but the mind and heart will be lasting. The vase can be so lovely, but inside all cracked and grimy.....and then she says, I guess I did learn something from my mom!” But really, I think they are going to be great for the kids. They are here until mid-November!
Wow, this is the longest update I’ve given yet. Starting tomorrow I will be busy as ever with all the catching up to do after a weekend away and all the kids back now!
P.S. I cannot believe one thing: my own two sisters do not know when I get back to KC! Welp girlies, I am back on October 10th. So, I hope you are both there when I get there, that would make me verrrry happy indeed!