Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Green House!

“Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” 1 peter 1:8

I have always wondered what kind of laugh Sarah had when she and Abraham were told by God they’d have a child even though they were both so old. I think I bursted out in a similar laugh yesterday when I was told yet again that someone would come the next morning about the green house. I had just written on Sunday asking prayers about this since it’s been “in the works” for well over a year. So to hear it again just after beginning to pray about it, I had this mixture of belief that it would happen b/c we’d asked for it and a simultaneous thought of “we’ll see if this is the day.”
And sure enough! Even as the kids from Hakahana were still here, they came. A really nice old man named Aussie and his team of workers. Just as soon as the kids from Hakahana left, I was able to sit down with Aussie and ask him all that we needed to know to get the green house going. We walked around the green house as he so patiently showed me everything, making sure I understood well. This was so exciting for me! I took lots of notes and kept thinking of more and more questions. And Aussie was so kind to answer with all detail. On the inside I was praising God all the while! (And secretly I could not help but imagine that one day I could be doing this again in an orphanage of my own!)
Please continue to pray about the green house. There is still much work to be done and Aussie plans to come again a week from today (next Tuesday) so the first planting can start. Pray that it again happens as it has been said.

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